Good Morning Southeast Parents and Guardians,
Due to a water line break, affecting Southeast Elementary, students are being transported to Salem Jr/Sr High School for the remainder of the school day. Students will continue to work on assignments and will eat lunch as normal. All of the teachers and the school nurse will be at the Jr/Sr High School as well. Mrs. Thomas will remain at Southeast if you need to get in touch with her.
Students will be dismissed at their normal time. If your student is a bus rider, they will be bused home from the Jr/Sr High School. The students that walk home will be transported, by bus, back to Southeast at the end of the day to walk home as normal. If your student needs to be picked up, please pick up students in the round drive located in front of the Jr/Sr High School gymnasium. Please do not arrive before 3:00 pm. This will help alleviate some congestion from the Jr/Sr High School dismissal.
If your student has an early dismissal, for any reason, please enter through the doors on 6th street to sign them out.
At this point, the city is planning for the water line issue to be resolved in time for school tomorrow.