Dear Reilly Families,

Due to a fourth positive Coronavirus test of a staff member at Reilly Elementary, all students attending Reilly will learn remotely, starting on Wednesday, November 11th.  It is our intention to return to face to face instruction on Monday, November 23rd. Please know that this decision was not made lightly and was only made after considerable collaboration with the Salem City Health Department. Please accept my apologies in advance for the inconvenience this may cause you. Understand that we are acting out of an abundance of caution for both our students and staff as well as the community at large.

Parents or guardians should review the information about Remote Learning at Reilly, found in the RED folder that was sent home.

FREE breakfast and lunch will continue to be available via curbside pickup between 11:30 – 1:00 at the high school cafeteria doors.

Students should continue to be closely monitored at home for symptoms of coronavirus and should NOT have any playdates or participate in any activities if they are exhibiting any symptoms listed on the CDC coronavirus symptoms website.

Students at Buckeye Elementary, Southeast Elementary, and Salem Junior/Senior High School will attend school as normal. Please continue to monitor your children and do not send them to school if they are exhibiting any symptoms of coronavirus. Students should have a clean mask, worn correctly over their nose and mouth each day, wash their hands regularly, and keep distance from others.

Again, we are having Reilly transition to Remote Learning until Monday, November 23rd.  Should you have any concerns, feel free to call me.


Sean Kirkland, Superintendent
Salem City Schools