Salem Schools encourage parents, guardians and families to become involved and engaged in their children’s education. This parents’ page has many resources to help you find information about registration and enrollment, your child’s grades, attendance, transportation, and much more.

English Learners

English Documents

Español Documentos

Federal Programs

English Documents

Español Documentos

Food Service

The school cafeteria plays an important role in the nutritional health of our students. Food Service Director, Michele Fisher, has the task of planning and preparing foods that students enjoy, while insuring the meals are nutritious and healthy.

Working with The Nutrition Group, a national company specializing in providing on-site nourishing meals to K-12 students, Salem Schools insures your child has a healthy, delicious variety of lunch and breakfast choices.

Michelle Fisher
Michele Fisher
Food Service Director
330-332-8905 x58324


PaySchools is a Secure Online Payment system which simplifies payment, collection, management, and balancing of funds for your student’s lunch fees.


  • The meal process is automated for both the parents and the school so errors are minimized and the process is standardized.
  • Using PaySchools, there is not a chance of lost lunch money from home to the serving lines!
  • Payments can be made by credit card 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the parents’ convenience.  Payments can also be made by ACH (Electronic Check).
  • Parents can review what their students are actually purchasing along with account balance information.
  • PaySchools supports increased communication between the school & the parents.


  • Account balance information is readily available to the parents, the school and the lunch staff.
  • Parents can opt to receive an email when a student balance dips to certain threshold (set by the parent).
  • Parents can opt to use an auto-replenishment feature which replenishes their student account(s) when a balance dips to a specific level (which is specified by the parent).
  • School messages are automatically emailed to parents.
  • A continuous online survey is provided to monitor parent feedback and ideas.
  • Student information is automatically transferred from year-to-year. Parents can manage more than one student account.
  • PaySchools is PCI compliant and maintains industry standard SSL certificates. This ensures all data is safe & secure as defined by the industry.


Tip! Prepaying meals helps lines move quickly and students love that!

How to add funds to your student’s account for meal and ala carte purchases:

1. After you sign on, select “Lunch Payments” from the Lunch option on the menu.

2. The school(s) and student(s) you have access to will be displayed.

3. The balance of the student(s) on your account will also be displayed. Next to each balance, you can enter the amount of funds that you would like to add to the account.

4. Once you have updated the balances as desired, select the “Create Transaction” button and you will proceed to the next step in the process.

5. The next screen displayed provides an opportunity for you to make a final review on your payments, any fees, and your total before processing. This screen also enables you to choose which credit card you would like your payment applied to.

6. Select “Process Payment” to apply the transaction to your credit card and to your students’ account(s). It may take a minute to get approval from your credit card company, please wait during this period. A message will be displayed to you indicating the status after processing (approved/declined).

7. A receipt of your transaction will be displayed to you and sent to your email address. Tip! At any time during this process, you can review step-by-step instructions, with screen examples for assistance. This help is available from any Lunch Payment screen or within the “How Do I …” menu

How to sign up

Log on to and select the “Register” link. The screens will guide you through the process to establish your account:

1. The internet convenience fee is explained. It is at 3.9% to the parent per transaction or $1.75 per Transaction for ACH Check (if offered).

2. You will be prompted to enter your contact data, password, payment information, etc.

3. You will need to indicate which student(s) to attach to your account. Students are already loaded in the PaySchools system. *If you are unsure of your student’s ID number, please contact Darlene Farino, the district registrar, at 330-332-0316 x 58212 or your student’s building office.
Once all information is entered, PaySchools will email a validation code for you to confirm the registration. Once confirmed you can begin using PaySchools as often as you’d like.

Each time you log on, school messages and the balance(s) of the student(s) on your account are displayed on the Home Page. You can also submit your opinions via an ongoing survey for PaySchools.

Once your account is established, please visit the “My Account” menu option to set up preferences for your email options.


It is important to use the previous button instead of the back button during credit card processing. This is very common when using internet payment systems. Complex processing is happening behind the scenes to ensure data encryption and the safety of your information. The previous button controls an interruption in processing correctly.

Questions?  Please contact Michele Fisher, Food Service Director at 330-332-8905 x 58324.

ProgressBook Parent Access

ProgressBook Parent Access allows you to access your students’ grades, attendance, and more from a web browser.  Parents create their own user names and passwords using a registration code provided by Salem Schools. 

Adding Additional Students To An Existing Account:

If you have a new student, i.e., one of your children is in kindergarten this year and was not enrolled in Salem Schools last year, you will need a registration key to add him/her to your existing account. Login to your account. Next, click ‘Manage Students’ on the left column of the page.  Use the district-provided key to add your new student to the account.

A Note Before Creating A New Account:

Please note that having a valid email address entered into the system will help you manage your login.  However, you can enter any email address as long as it is in the form of,,  as a place-holder (if you don’t currently have a valid email account) and your account will be created.  You will not be able to retrieve user names and passwords, but you will have full access to your students’ information.  If you want an email account and don’t have one now, you may create a free GMAIL email account.  If you already have a personal or work email address, you may use it.

Instructions For Creating Your Parent Access Account:

To create an account, use the link to ProgrssBook Parent Access on this page or any ProgressBook link on a building page.  The Parent Access login page will be displayed and you will need to click the ‘Sign Up’ button.

*Your activation codes are for parent accounts, so click the ‘I am a parent’ button on the next screen.*

Enter your name, email address, and click the green ‘Continue’ button.

You will create your user name and password next.  (passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain a capital and a number, i.e., Solarwinds1)

On the next screen, you will enter your student’s name, date of birth, and the district-issued registration key.

*Please note the button for adding additional registration keys.  You may add all your students when you create the account or you may add additional students once you are logged in.*

If you have questions or need a  registration key for a new student, please contact the student’s building office:

Buckeye:  330-332-8917
Reilly:  330-332-8921
Southeast:  330-332-8925
Jr High:  330-332-8914
High School:   330-332-8905

Enrollment & Registration

Welcome to Salem City Schools Enrollment Information. You may download open enrollment registration, district registration, and kindergarten information documents here.

New to Salem Schools?

To enroll new students to Salem Schools for the current school year, please go to the administration building at 1226 E State St Please ask for Terri Roberts or Paulette Stahl. For questions in advance, call 330-332-0316.

Special Services

The Salem City Schools’ Special Services Office offers a variety of services to students. The office oversees programs and related services for students with disabilities. The office sets up meetings to review Evaluation Team Reports (ETRs), Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 plans.

The district school psychologists provide comprehensive evaluations for students Pre K through high school graduation. In addition, they provide consultation and intervention assistance to staff and families. Mrs. Lisa A. Lorubbio, full time psychologist, provides initial evaluations for students with suspected disabilities; evaluations for early entrance into kindergarten, subject acceleration and whole grade acceleration; as well as, evaluations for gifted identification. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Special Services Department.

Lisa Lorubbio
Lisa A. Lorrubio
330-332-0316 x58224

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is a federal law that provides children and youth with disabilities a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE). The Salem City School District provides a continuum of special education programs and services for students from their 3rd birthday to their 22nd birthday.

Child Find is the process of identifying, locating and evaluating all children from age three to twenty-one who may have a disability and be in need of special education and related services, regardless of the severity of the disability. The district seeks to identify, through child find, all children in the Salem City School District who attend a public or non-public school in the district or who are homeless or wards of the state who may be in need of special education and related services.

A child with a disability is a child having an intellectual disability, hearing impairment (including deafness), visual impairment (including blindness), a speech or language impairment, an emotional disturbance, an orthopedic impairment, Autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairment, specific learning disability, deaf-blindness, or multiple disabilities.  Developmental disability is an additional category used for preschoolers only.

Parents, relatives, public and private agency employees, and concerned citizens are asked to help the Salem City School District find any child who may have a disability and need special education and related services. If you are aware of a child who may have special needs, please notify Special Services Director, Kristy Erb

The Special Services office also works with teachers and parents to identify gifted students. The gifted program includes the same goals as the regular classroom, but in a broader capacity. Students are afforded opportunities to find and develop their own abilities and areas of interests. The District uses a three-part approach to screen students who perform or show potential for performing at high levels of accomplishment in the areas of Superior Cognitive Ability, Specific Academic Ability, Creativity, and Visual and/or Performing Arts.

You may find more information from the links on this page.  For any questions or additional information, please contact Kristy Erb.

Kristy Erb
Kristy Erb
Special Services Director
330-332-0316 x58227


To improve communications between home and school, we have published several documents explaining bus procedures and rules to better inform students and parents of our school’s expectations. The documents are available here for download.

School buses are extensions of regular school facilities and students are expected to conduct themselves on the buses as they do in the school buildings.  School bus drivers have the same responsibility and authority as the classroom teachers to enforce rules and regulations when it comes to the safety and well-being of their passengers.

School buses are extensions of regular school facilities and students are expected to conduct themselves on the buses as they do in the school buildings.  School bus drivers have the same responsibility and authority as the classroom teachers to enforce rules and regulations when it comes to the safety and well-being of their passengers. For questions or pickup and drop off information, call the bus garage at: 330-332-2321.

Jeff Martig
Jeff Martig
Transportation Supervisor
Tel: 330-332-2321
Fax: 330-332-2322

Salem City Schools One-To-One Initiative

Salem City Schools has adopted a 1:1 Chromebook Initiative for all students grades 5-12. Our goal is to strengthen students’ 21st century skills and present them with a learning experience that provides around-the-clock access to learning, with virtually unlimited information sources. Teachers will have more opportunities to deliver instruction using a variety of methods to better meet the different learning needs of all students, actively engaging them in learning.

Every student enrolled at the junior and senior high schools will receive a Chromebook to be used at school and at home. Southeast students (grades 5 and 6) will be assigned a personal Chromebook to be used in school.

Important Note

The steps below are to be followed by junior/senior high students and parents ONLY. These steps are required in order for junior/senior high students to receive Chromebooks for home use. The three documents that are linked below (AUP, Chromebook Policy, and Sign-off Form) are also available in the high school office. You may pick them up any time the office is open.

Parents and students must read and agree to the technology AUP (acceptable use policy), which may be found on this web page. Follow the link above. You do not need to print this document. The only document you will need is a hard copy of is the ‘Sign-off Form’ (step 4).

Parents and students must read and agree to the policy for Chromebooks that go home with students. Follow the link above. You are not required to print this document. The only document you will need is a hard copy of is the ‘Sign-off Form’ (step 4).

Optional insurance information here. Students are responsible for all damages, accidental and other. Insurance covers up to $200 with NO deductible. Insurance coverage includes accidental breakage and loss or theft (if purchased) when a police report is made. You may use the link above to sign-up directly from the Worth Ave. Group web page. Credit/debit cards and PayPal are accepted. The cost is $16.00 per device per year for standard coverage and  $18.00 for standard coverage + theft per device per year. You will need your student’s ID number for insurance registration. You may find your student’s ID in ProgressBook, on documents you receive in the mail this summer (student schedule), or you may contact your student’s office.

Registration opens on : TBA
Registration closes on: TBA 

Important Note

The insurance link will take you to the Worth Ave. Group website where you may signup for device insurance. The website accepts only credit/debit cards or PayPal. If you must pay by check, make the check out to Salem City Schools and take it to the high school or junior high office.  The district will complete the insurance registration for your student(s).

Parents and students must sign and turn in this sign-off form on distribution day. One form may be used for all of the students in your household. Follow the link above.  Print the form and fill-in.

7th Grade Chromebook Distribution

August 14-15, 2024

Please note that the above documents will be available at distribution. However, reading the policies in advance and bringing the completed sign-off form with you will greatly speed up the process and possibly prevent you having to return on the make-up day to complete the distribution.

Please note that the above documents will be available at distribution. However, reading the policies in advance and bringing the completed sign-off form with you will greatly speed up the process and possibly prevent you having to return on the make-up day to complete the distribution.